Installing Microsoft Dynamics on Windows 10

Creation date: 10/5/2016 10:58 AM    Updated: 10/5/2016 10:58 AM
You may be running into a known issue regarding drive mappings, windows 8, and Dynamics SL. Here's the workaround:

To install from client:
1. Open a command prompt ‘as administrator’.
From Windows 8 start menu type COMMAND.
Right mouse click on ‘Command Prompt’ and select ‘Run as administrator’

2. Map the drive share
NET USE T: \\finxapps1\sl /PERSISTENT:YES

3. Run setup from the workstation folder

4. Follow the usual prompts

5. Close the command prompt when completed

6. Open the command prompt without administrator
From Windows 8 start menu type COMMAND.
Select the ‘Command Prompt’ Entry.

7. Map the drive share
NET USE T: \\finxapps1\sl /PERSISTENT:YES
To verify try running Dynamics SL from the icon places on the Windows 8 menu as well as the Database Maintenance icon placed in control panel/Administrative Tools
Note: to remove the network mapped drives will require removing both the Administrator privileged and the standard access mappings.