Check Point EndPoint Connect VPN Client Instructions

Please note that for the VPN client to work you must have internet access on the laptop that you are attempting to connect from.

1. Click Start, then All Programs, then Check Point.

2. Click on Check Point EndPoint Connect

3. In the EndPoint Connect window that opens up, enter your VPN username and then password in their designated boxes.

**Note if the box doesn’t pop up. Look in the lower right hand corner of your desktop for an icon that looks like. Right click on it and click Connect to VPN. The window will now open.

4. After you have entered your VPN username and Password, Click on Connect. If you have successfully connected you will see the icon in the lower right hand corner turn to color.

5. If the connection fails, retry your username and password and try again.

6. If it fails again please note the error message and send to